Professional Development

CollegeNow instructors are required to participate in professional development that supports their course(s) each year that they teach with CollegeNow.

CollegeNow Conference

August 20-22, 2024

CollegeNow Conference Zoom Recordings

CollegeNow Conference Campus Recordings


Thank you to all who were able to attend any of our sessions live! If you missed any sessions, or wish to re-watch something, use the link above to access the recordings. It also includes links to sessions materials; any "shared ideas folders" allow you to upload your own contributions!

  • All CollegeNow instructors must participate in professional development that supports their TC3 courses each year they teach for CollegeNow. Attendance of at least one conference session, either live or by viewing the recording, meets the professional development for CollegeNow for the current year. 
  • August 20 and August 21 sessions were in Zoom. August 22 sessions took place on the TC3 campus in Dryden. We were not able to record all campus sessions. 
  • Getting PD attendance for viewing recordings:
    • If you view a recording of an on-campus session, please complete this . In the form, enter 8/22/2024 as the date and check Attended a conference/workshop for Q5. 
    • Viewership of Zoom sessions is tracked automatically. (No need to tell CollegeNow you watched one of the Zoom meetings!)
  • World Languages, Sociology/Anthropology, Health, and Early Childhood are holding sessions during the school year. You will receive emails from CollegeNow or your liaison about those. 
  • New CollegeNow instructors must complete an orientation before teaching for CollegeNow. You may view the recording or set up a time to meet with Victoria Zeppelin remotely. This does not fulfill the professional development requirement.

    Evaluations for the Conference

    Last Year's Conference Recordings and Materials

    If you're interested in viewing any of the sessions or materials shared from last year's conference you can view them here.

    Alternatives to the CollegeNow Conference

    In addition to this August's conference, liaisons may organize other opportunities during the year or provide individual support. Over the school year, we will share information about additional sources of "approved professional development" (including an April conference that our college co-hosts, as well as offerings from SUNY and other colleges or organizations); when possible, these are recorded for later viewing and shared in the College's LMS (check with Rhonda if you are unsure how to access the LMS organization for your discipline). Check our PD alternatives webpage for information and the form for tracking your participation in these alternatives.

    Cornell University Center for Teaching Excellence Alternatives to CollegeNow Conference