Title IX: Confidentiality
Conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but limited information about incidents of sexual misconduct must be shared with relevant administrators and a Title IX Coordinator so that the College can take action if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning any response, the wishes of the person are given full consideration.
You may always report directly to the Title IX Coordinators via email: TitleIX@tompkinscortland.edu – only the four Title IX Coordinators have access to this email account. You may also submit a report directly through:
- Carolyn Boone, Chief Policy & Compliance Officer, Title IX Coordinator, room 229, 607.844.8222, Ext. 4283
- Darese Doskal, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Senior Title IX Coordinator, Room 248, 607.844.8222, Ext. 6591
- John Geer, Vice President for Human Resources, Affirmative Action Officer, Senior Title IX Coordinator, Room 219, 607.844.8222, Ext. 4440
- Title IX: Overview
- Title IX: Definitions
- Title IX: How to Report
- Title IX: Grievance Policy & Procedures: 2024 Regulations
- Title IX: Grievance Policy & Procedures for Complaints against Employees, Vendors & Others – 2024 Regulations
- Title IX: Alternative Resolution Process for Students
- Title IX: Confidentiality
- Title IX: Climate Survey Results
- Title IX: Resources
- Title IX: Awareness and Training
- Title IX: Sexual Violence Response Policy
- Title IX: All Gender Restrooms
- Budget and Finance
- Campus Technology
- Human Resources
- Institutional Research