CSA Newsletter #16

What a start to fall! There was a night in the 30s to end the week, Saturday was picture perfect, and Sunday began 3 days of some incredible rainbows. We celebrated Rosh Hashanah in our house (Shana Tovah to those who celebrate) on Sunday. It really was a perfect start and may have solidified fall as my favorite season! 

The fall hoophouse projects continued last week. The trellising of the cucumbers has finished and the first wrapping has happened. It's really cool to see the little tendrils wrap themselves around the twine. It almost does the wrapping for us. Now that the cucumbers are off the ground, I'm hoping that we can get in there and get one good final weeding done. The cabbage (and a smattering of broccoli) plants are looking very good and should start the heading process in the coming weeks. All the tomato topping should be finished by the end of the week, as well. The last time sensitive jobs that will need to be completed next are garlic planting (I'll give y'all an update about what happened to this year's garlic when we do) and weeding/renovating the strawberries. I aim to plant garlic around Halloween and want to have the strawberries done before Thanksgiving. 

There was also another visit to the farm last week from a TC3 colleague. This time an Anthropology class came out for a tour/discussion. They had just finished a unit about agriculture around the world and we were able to give them a tangible experience about what happens here locally. I know I said it before, but I really love having the TC3 Farm as a living lab across disciplines. 

This week's share highlight is a return of a spring favorite, Hakurei Turnips. This tender little white Japanese salad turnip is perfect raw. Think very mild radish. It can be cooked but if you were going to do anything else besides add them to a salad, I would pickle them. The greens will still be attached and are perfect lightly sauteed. All the tomatoes are officially on their downswing but still are part of the choice. Most of the hot pepper varieties have significantly slowed and this may be the last week for the shishito peppers and okra. Part of that choice will be a small amount of peppers. The small poblano like stuffers had two plants survive the 2022 rodent reckoning. There will basil, fennel and more baby ginger. The greens this will will be a mix of the last two weeks. It's a little bigger, so the mustards may have a little more zip, but is perfectly fine as salad greens. If needed, they can also be lightly sauteed.

Have great week!

-Farmer Todd