Guide to Disciplines

Select a discipline to view all the courses descriptions for courses in that discipline.


Academic Success
ACCT Accounting
ALEX Applied Learning Experience
ANTH Anthropology
ASTR Astronomy
BIOL Biology
BIOT Biotechnology
BUAD Business Administration
CAPS Computer Applications
CDSC Chemical Dependency Counseling
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CIS Computer Information Systems
COMM Communication and Media Arts
CONT Construction and Environmental Technology
CRJU Criminal Justice
CSCI Computer Science
CSS Computer Support Specialist
CULI Culinary Arts
DRAF Drafting
ECHD Early Childhood
ECON Economics
EDUC Education
ELEC Electrical Engineering Technology
EMT Emergency Medical Training
ENGL English and Creative Writing
ENSC Engineering Science
ENVS Environmental Studies
ESL English as a Second Language
FITN Fitness
FREN French
FSS Freshman Seminar


GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GERM German
HLTH Health
HRMG Hotel and Restaurant Management
HSTY History
HUMN Humanities
HUMS Human Services
IED International Education Study Abroad
IRM Information Resource Management
ITAL Italian
MATH Mathematics
METR Meteorology
MUSI Music
NURS Nursing
OFFC Office Management and Administration
PARA Paralegal
PARC Paralegal Studies Certificate
PHIL Philosophy
PHSC Physics
POSC Political Science
PSED Psychological Education
PSYC Psychology
RDNG Reading
RECR Exercise Studies/Outdoor Recreation/Recreation Leadership
RUSN Russian
SOCE Social Science
SOCI Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPMT Sport Management
WGST Women and Gender Studies
WINE Wine Marketing