Title IX Contacts
Title IX Coordinator:
- Carolyn Boone
Chief Policy & Compliance Officer
Title IX Coordinator
Room 229
607.844.8222 x4283
Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
- Darese Doskal
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs
Room 248
607.844.8222 x6591 - John Geer
Vice President for Human Resources
Affirmative Action Officer
Room 219
607.844.8222 x4440
What to do if this is an Emergency
To contact Campus Police, dial 607-844-6511, or Ext. 6511 from any campus phone.
For emergencies, dial 911 and the 911 Center will immediately dispatch campus police along with other needed agencies to help with the emergency.
Report to a Title IX Coordinator
Conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but limited information about incidents of sexual misconduct must be shared with relevant administrators and a Title IX Coordinator so that the College can take action if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning any response, the wishes of the person are given full consideration.
You may always report directly to the Title IX Coordinators via email: TitleIX@tompkinscortland.edu – only the four Title IX Coordinators have access to this email account.
Confidential Reporting
Licensed counselors will not report any information to the College without the student’s consent. Currently our licensed counselors are located in the Health and Wellness Center, room 122. Registered nurses in the Health Center, room 118A must also maintain strictest confidentiality. You can talk to any of the above staff members and then decide whether you want them to help you report the incident.
Confidential reporting can be done off campus. Locally we have:
- The Advocacy Center, 607.277.3203 or 607.277.5000 for the hotline or
- Aid to Victims of Violence, 607.756.6363 or 800.336.9622
- For many additional national and statewide websites and hotlines, see the SUNY Sexual Violence Response Policy.