Responsible Executive
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Review Cycle
July 2025; 5 years
Purpose and Scope
This policy formalizes the recognition of outstanding retired ¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ Cortland Community College Faculty.
To have Professor Emerit status conferred, the individual must meet the requirements as set forth below.
Service Length
- 15 years service (30 semesters in the case of adjunct faculty), achieved rank of Full Professor for at least 3 years
- Must have been retired from the College for at least 1 year.
Distinguished Service
Emerit Criteria: Must have evidence of Category 1 and Category 2, and evidence of at least one other area:
- Excellence in Primary Area of Job Responsibility – as demonstrated by items such as student evaluations, supervisor evaluations, awards or nominations for awards, innovation in curriculum and instruction, and commitment to student learning.
- Service to the College – advisement, committee service, leadership positions, work with student organizations, accomplishments outside the realm of their primary job responsibility.
- Academic degrees and professional certifications – degrees or professional certifications (e.g., CPA) beyond the minimum requirements of the position.
- Contribution to the body of knowledge in a field – as demonstrated by items such as publications, artistic creations, conference presentations, positions of responsibility in professional organizations.
- Service to the community – as demonstrated by items such as special projects, notable accomplishments, offices held, and service to community organizations.
Additional Information
- Must consent to review of personnel files for purposes of selection
- The College reserves the right to deny Emerit status to a candidate whose professional or personal actions reflect poorly on the College
- Posthumous Awards may be considered
Selection Process and Selection Committee
- Nomination: Emerit nominations will be considered from current faculty members, utilizing a form created by the Emerit Committee.
- Communication: Every September the Human Resources department will send a communication to the campus with eligibility qualifications and past Emerit appointments. This communication will include retired faculty who have become eligible since the last solicitation and for two years after.
- The committee will accept nominations up until November 1.
- Nominees will be notified by Human Resources in early November and must respond within 2 weeks with permission to review their personnel file.
- The Emerit Selection committee will be formed annually (as needed), following the parameters of its charge document. This committee will make recommendations to the Provost by February 1.
- The Provost will make recommendations to the President by March 1.
- The President will make recommendations to the Board of Trustees during the Spring semester.
Emerit Benefits
- Use of campus recreational and social facilities at the same rate as current employees
- Listed in college directories and the catalog
- Emerit ID cards providing library and other services
- Participation in academic processions and ceremonies
- Opportunity to audit courses
- Access to the College Teaching Center Lounge and, depending on availability, shared office space in the Faculty Suites.
- Recognition of Emerit Faculty at retiree events
- Special display on campus with photos
- Standing Invitation to Commencement
- Opportunity to serve on campus committees at the discretion of the College
- E-mail address in perpetuity, as allowable and appropriate according to Campus Institutional Technology policies.
Emerit Title
The College will use the term Emerit in place of Emeritus, as the former is more gender inclusive.
Replaces 6/20/91 – Resolution #1990-91-90 – Policy on Professor Emeritus Status
Policy Reference Code